Saturday, August 1, 2009

I Am Ming the Merciless

This is your benevolent ruler, before whom all intelligent life forms must grovel appropriately. Now, I know that you semi-conscious hon-yocks are disappointed that you are not allowed to grovel at my magnificant feet, but you're just too primitive.
Beside, as soon as I get this business with the alien scientists and the Galactic Council cleared up I can give the green light to my demolition crew to go ahead and destroy this solar system in order to make way for my Light Speed Corridor project.
Don't waste your time hoping that those dysfunctional alien scientists and that fool they call the Creator are likely to save you from destruction. Besides, I hear he's rubber room material anyway.
I have posted this new blog here because my original blog is hosted by the Agenda of Life Foundation and I find them incompatible with my best interests. My advisors have been urging me to do so and I haven't found any reason yet to vapo them.
But here is where you will find updates on the progress of my efforts to destroy you insignificant hon-yocks.

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